Saturday, May 30, 2015

En Route!

After several preparation sessions over the past 3 months, we are finally on our way to France! Our journey is going to be a long one: an 11 hour plane ride, a 3 hour train ride, and a little bit of stopping in between. We are currently in the airport "drilling" strangers en français to practice our Rassias Method® teaching.... Just kidding! We have been practicing this method, which started with professor John Rassias at the Dartmouth Intensive Language Model, for about 4 months. It focuses on drama, action, pronunciation, and improvisation as a way to teach a new language. includes a lot of drama, and action in the classroom. Mme. Diederich's French II class has experienced this style of learning throughout the year! We are so excited to finally be boarding the plane!  --Katie and Shae

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