Monday, April 3, 2023

We'll always have Paris: Reflections on our journey these past two weeks

Walking the streets of Paris, my senses are on fire. J'écoute. Je sens. Je touche. The metro screeching to a halt. The sent of tabasco invading my nose. The harsh wind against my skin. Walking the streets of Paris, I tend to look forward, to shift my body toward my friends, and to march with bravado. La nuit n’est pas fatiguée. C’est seulement moi qui veut rêver. Walking the streets of Paris, the Seine goes dark as the twinkling lights of Paris take the glow of the stars, which can not be seen in the cloudy sky. Walking the streets of Paris, I feel at peace within this rushing city. 

Throughout my stay in Paris, one of my favorite activities was walking with my correspondant and friends at night. It was beautiful to see another side of the city. I saw the intimacy in the small interactions of Parisians and the buildings. I know I will remembers these moments as I return back home, and I am grateful for Clara and her friends in taking the time to show me. -Mimi

The Victor Duruy Students with their Poly correspondants in front of the school

J’ai passé un moment incroyable en France pendant la dernière deux semaines. J’étais très ravie de pouvoir Mathilde encore parce que je croyais que je ne la reverrais pas encore. En outre, grâce à ce voyage, j’ai eu l’opportunité de rencontrer les autres étudiants de Poly qui sont dans les classes plus jeunes que moi. J’ai fait les souvenirs que je ne vais pas oublier, et je suis heureuse d’avoir cette opportunité incroyable! - Hannah
Dans la dernière deux semaines, j’ai eu une experience incroyable, grâce à mes deux familles d’échange et aux activités de groupe. Je n’avais jamais visité le Nord du France déjà, et apprécié vraiment les expériences la, à la fois avec ma famille d’échange et aussi pendant notre tour en bus. J’ai aussi passé un bon temps à Paris, a visité beaucoup des monuments et aller des places différents avec ma famille d’échange. Merci à mes deux familles de me recevoir!! - Coco
Exploring Sacré Coeur

Ce voyage a eu vraiment bien. J’ai adoré ma famille dans le nord et á Paris. Je veux dire que j’ai été beaucoup amusé. J’ai adoré tout le chose. -Warren

One last "wistiti" at the Conciérgerie.

J’ai aimé rester avec la famille dans le Nord. J’ai essayé les nouriturres different et j’ai vu les villes Marquise et Calais. Je suis reconnaissante de parler Français avec les etudiants et la famille. -Ani

These past two weeks have been such a unique experience, filled with visiting incredible locations and historical sites, as well as being able to create connections with our host families and experience the different lifestyles here. A few highlights from my experience have been visiting Mont Saint-Michel, where we were able to tour the ancient Abbey, and walk around the island during our free time. The second was the homestay in Pas-de-Calais, where I was able to learn and explore this region that I’ve never visited before, as well as visit and teach at the Middle and Lower school, which I loved. I had such a fun time going throughout the north on our bus during the middle two days, as it is a region that is very different from anything in the United States. Ending our trip in Paris, I had a great, but tiring, time touring the whole city both with our group and with our hosts! Overall, this trip has introduced me to so many new experiences that I will hold with me for the rest of my life. - Coco

From this trip, I would definitely say that my favorite and most valuable aspect of this trip were the home stays and meeting everyone. In the north of France, I found that the lifestyle was really different from LA, and there was a sense of a closer knit community. From pillow fights to Just Dance battles, I felt really integrated into the family and formed my own relationship with each person. In Paris, although my feet, ankles, and legs hurt more than they ever have before, I did enjoy walking around and using the metro. I was able to see everything and when I slowed down a little, I was able to appreciate everything. This trip was a great cultural experience and really eye opening in a number of different ways.- Melody

J’ai visité beaucoup de sites avec la famille de mes correspondants et ma classe. Je suis allée à Prison Island avec ma famille dans le nord et ce très amusant parce qu' Il n’y a rien dans Les Etats-Unis. Je suis aussi allée à Versailles avec ma famille parisienne.  Mon Français était mauvais au début de ce voyage les expériences amusantes avec mes correspondants m’ont vraiment aidé à mieux comprendre le français. -Cat

Je ne sais pas quand je reviendrai en France, mais je suis reconnaissant de savoir que j'aurai toujours deux maisons ici. Merci et à bientôt!- Melody

This trip has definitely been a memorable one. It is my first time in Europe and everything is different from what I know. The most memorable place that we visited was definitely the Bayeux Cathedral. From the glass planes to the historical importance of the Cathedral. Another very memorable place was the Sainte Chapelle that one held the thorn crown that Jesus wore. The glass planes were so well made and intricate. That may be the most beautiful thing that I have seen. -Warren

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