Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Timeless Paris!

In Saint Germain feeling the intellectual energy of the Existentialists, Hemingway and Borges

Attentively listening to Mme's explanation of Saint Sulpice

View of la Place Saint Sulpice

In front of the site where Rimbaud wrote his timeless poetry at 17

The wall where the "Bateau Ivre" stood

Feeling tragic in front of le Théatre Odéon

Les Jardins de Luxembourg

In front of Le Sénat and le Grand Bassin aux Jardins de Luxembourg

M. Boullonnois parents came up from Bordeaux to say hello!
Boat rentals for the Grand Bassin!

Art installations on the statues of the Queens of France
surrounding the Grand Bassin

Post pique-nique

Le Panthéon

Jesse found a street post.  We didn't keep it as a souvenir!

La Mosquée de Paris--a jewel from the 20s

Waiting for our thé à la menthe (mint tea)

Thé à la menthe à la Mosquée

Jack sips his thé

Shae and Anna reenact the gladiators in the Arènes de Lutèce
 (2nd century Roman ruins)

La pétanque aux Arènes de Lutèce

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